I was driving along a busy street last week and came to a stop at a red light. As I looked around, I saw to my right a store selling glittery clothing, elegant shoes, and adornments for weddings and parties. The windows gleamed joyfully, conveying the sparkling promise of happiness, hope, future. To my left […]
Pure Bliss Is A Choice
The Sanskrit term for pure bliss is ananda. In yoga philosophy we are taught that we can experience this rare feeling. I recently had the opportunity to experience just this type of pure, unadulterated joy. It happened when I was playing on the floor with my grandson, Hunter. He is nine months old, and he loves movement. Rolling. Tumbling. […]
The Sewing Kit
I’ve been busy lately. Every day or two, I take some time to sort through the items that defined my parents’ lives: files, old documents – Russia, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, USA – yellowed deeds to properties long sold, faded photographs, birth certificates. My father’s diploma for an apprenticeship as a furrier, completed. A letter of […]
If You’re Going To Trek To The Lighthouse, You Need To Do Three Things
Have you ever set a goal for yourself? Maybe you were going to take a course, and finish it. Maybe you were going to exercise more. Maybe you were going to learn a new language. Setting the goal was the easy part. Getting there, and completing the goal, that was the hard part. It took some […]
“Gratitude Practitioner”
I love Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. I love it because it invites me to pause and look back at all the blessings that have come to me over the past year. And it reminds me that gratitude is a practice. It’s something I do — and must do — as a daily practice. When I wake up […]
Quick-and-Easy 30 min. Yoga Class
Take a time-out for this Quick-and-Easy 30 minute yoga practice. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/p9unoS68XlU
Chair Assisted Yoga Class
Hi Yogis, Check out my newest YouTube video: Gentle Chair-Assisted Yoga Class. Try it sometime right at your desk, or when you just don’t feel like rolling out your yoga mat! Please share with friends & family … leave a comment in the Comments section … enjoy!
Palm Tree Salutation – Enjoy!
Dear Yogis, The weather outside may be frightful, keeping us at home instead of at yoga class. But you can still practice some yoga right now! Practice the Palm Tree Salutation with me! The Palm Tree Salutation is an Ayurvedic yoga sequence that helps to balance our energies, soothe jangled nerves, and center our minds. […]
Safe Yoga for Osteoporosis – “Core Lift” Bridge
Bridge For Better Bones: “Core Lift” Bridge
Join Sara Meeks, P.T., M.S., G.C.S., K.Y.T, and Charlotte Stone, CYT, E-RYT500, in this “Bone Safe” Bridge Pose, adapted to be safe and therapeutic for those with osteoporosis, osteopenia or low bone mass. Leave a comment and let us know how you like it, and please share with family and friends. Enjoy!