Charlotte has been practicing yoga and meditation for over forty years, but it wasn’t love at first sight. When she first began to practice while a student at the University of Zürich in Switzerland, she saw yoga chiefly as a way to stretch … and she saw meditation as a colossal waste of time! In the ensuing years, life happened, and she came to a profound and lasting appreciation of these disciplines.
Over the years, Charlotte has looked again and again to her yoga and meditation practice to help her navigate life’s challenges, and it became her passion to share adaptive ways to practice yoga with students of all ages and abilities, health and fitness levels, in ways that incorporate mindfulness and foster self-inquiry, personal insight, and resiliency.
Often referred to as a “teacher’s teacher,” Charlotte has trained hundreds of yoga teachers in her Yoga Alliance-accredited trainings, and she continues to train and mentor teachers and yoga therapists nationally and internationally.
Charlotte is certified in a number of respected yoga and yoga therapy methods, including Structural Yoga Therapy; Osteoporosis, with Sara Meeks, PT; Cardiac Yoga, with Mala Cunningham, PhD; and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy; and she completed a professional training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, with Jon Kabat-Zinn. She loves being an eternal student, furthering her knowledge with teachers such as Judith Hanson-Lasater, Lynn Crimando, Adrienne Jamiel, and others. She is an advanced Yoga Alliance E-RYT500 instructor, and a certified C-IAYT Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists, maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the thought leaders at the forefront of the field. Her teaching comes from deep within the heart of her own practice, as she shares her adaptive yoga method with warmth, compassion, and humor.
Charlotte’s work has been featured on New Jersey News (NJN-TV), Holy Name Hospital’s Health First TV program, StudioLiveTV, the International Association of Yoga Therapists YTIP publication, and in numerous articles and online magazines. Her yoga and meditation videos are available on her YouTube channel, Click here, and she shares her thoughts on her blog, Musings from the Mat.