Terms & Conditions

1. General / Scope

By purchasing offers and services from Stone Center for Yoga & Health, LLC, you accept all points of these terms and conditions.

2. Scheduled Class Times, Instructors, Substitute Teachers

We reserve the right to change our class times, to have substitute instructors covering classes, to change instructors, and to occasionally cancel classes due to holidays or (very rarely), the lack of availability of an instructor for a class. We commit to giving adequate notice to our members of such changes. In the case of total closings of a week or longer, class passes and memberships are automatically extended by this time.

3. Liability, Security and Risks

Participation is at your own risk. Stone Yoga is not liable for the consequences of improperly performed exercises and any injuries resulting from participation in its classes, private sessions, trainings, or workshops. A medical examination before buying a subscription may be appropriate for people who have not exercised in a long time, or for those who have illnesses, chronic conditions, injuries, are pregnant, or have other health issues.

4. Illness / Accident

The expiration date of subscriptions will be extended in the event of an accident or illness; we are happy to “freeze” class passes as long as we receive e-mailed notice that the client wishes to place their class pass on hold. Client’s may freeze their class pass one time only. We will also extend the client’s class pass for the amount of time the pass was frozen.

5. Note Expiration Dates, Cancellation Policy

Each Stone Yoga class pass has an expiration date that is firm. Please take note of the expiration date of the class pass you are purchasing; no refunds will be provided for class passes that have expired.

Clients are asked to cancel their registration for class 6 hours prior to beginning of class, and 24 hours prior to private sessions. In the event of late cancellations and no-shows, classes, or the fee for the private session, will be deducted from the subscription.

Clients may cancel their registration online. Private clients must e-mail or text their instructor to notify them of the need to cancel their appointment.

6. Refunds

Failure to use the subscription does not entitle clients to a refund. Refunds are only issued for one of the following reasons: illness, accident and disability (medical proof must be presented in writing). The management of Stone Yoga reserves the right to extend class passes if provided by the client with a reasonable reason do so.

7. New Student Offers Are Non-Renewable; Note Expiration Dates

Our New Student Offers may only be purchased once per person; they are not renewable. The term of the New Student subscriptions begins upon first class used, and is binding. Subscriptions that have been paid for but not used or only partially used expire after their expiration date; non-use of any class pass does not entitle the client to reimbursement.

8. Privacy Policy

Member data is treated confidentially and is subject to the data protection regulations of the Stone Center for Yoga & Health. The subscription holder understands that his or her entry details are stored electronically. This data is available for those whose health insurance or corporations require receipts of payments made to the yoga center. If the subscription is not renewed, this data will be deleted after two years.

9. Changes

We reserve the right to occasionally make changes to the terms and conditions, class offerings, and pricing and expiration date policies; these changes will be brought to the attention of our members. Changes do not entitle members to refunds, though we will provide extensions to class passes for those inconvenienced by any schedule changes.
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